Accellion Workspaces
Paul Dean updated October 1, 2014 at 5:11 PM
Wiki Markup |
\\ Workspaces are Accellion's way of allowing multiple users to share and collaborate on many large files. Unlike the kitedrive application, there is no file size limit for workspaces. However, Workspaces are not synced continuously and therefore must either be synced manually or set up with a sync schedule. \\ \\ \\ \\ Note : The following steps are written with Mac OS in mind. If you are working on a different OS, the following steps should be followed only as guidelines. Use the steps that apply to your OS analogous to the steps below. For further questions free feel to contact us at \[contactIGPPNetOps\] . \\ \\ |
- Log into the Accellion web interface at https// using using your AD credentials.
- Click on Workspaces Workspaces from the sidebar.
- Click on New Workspace New Workspace .
- Create a name, description, and expiration date. If no expiration date is required, select Never Expires Never Expires.
- Add users and/or groups with whom to share the new workspace. You can set each user's permission level via the drop down list to the left of the Add Users Add Users button button.
- Click Finish Finish to create the new workspace.
Adding Files to Workspaces
- From the home screen, select Workspaces Workspaces from the sidebar.
- Click on the workspace to which you wish to add files.
- Click on the Add File Add File button.
- Select the file you wish to upload.
- For files smaller smaller than 2GB: Click Choose File Choose File . Select the file you wish to upload. Click
- Add to add the file to your workspace.
- For Files larger larger than 2GB or entire folders: Click Use Large File/Folder Applet
- Click Choose File/Folder Choose File/Folder . Select the file/folder you wish to upload. Click Add Add to add the file/folder to your workspace.
- For files smaller smaller than 2GB: Click Choose File Choose File . Select the file you wish to upload. Click Add Add to add the file to your workspace.
- For Files larger larger than 2GB or entire folders: Click Use Large File/Folder Applet Use Large File/Folder Applet .
- Click Choose File/Folder Choose File/Folder .
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- Click Choose File/Folder. Select the file/folder you wish to upload. Click Add Add to add the file/folder to your workspace.
Managing Users
- From the home screen, select Workspaces Workspaces from the sidebar.
- Click on the workspace you wish to edit.
- Click on the Options Options Options drop down list.
- Select Manage Users Manage Users . Edit users and groups.
- Click Save Changes Save Changes to make your changes permanent.
Scheduling Syncs
- Start kitedrive. (/Applications/kitedrive)
- From the menu bar icon, select Preferences Preferences .
- Select the advanced advanced tab.
- Click More Options More Options .
- Check the Auto sync every Auto sync every box.
- From the drop down list, select the amount of time you wish to have between syncs.