Using Campus ACMS FileDrop

Using Campus ACMS FileDrop

Conrad McGarry updated July 17, 2014 at 6:38 PM

Questions Addressed

  • How do I exchange files using the Campus ACMS FileDrop ("Drop Box") service? How do I exchange files using the Campus ACMS FileDrop ("Drop Box") service?

The ACMS FileDrop service is an easy way to exchange large files. Although the service is primarily for exchanging files with users not affiliated with UCSD you can use this service with anyone.

Note: Files are limited to 4GB in size. Drop Boxes automatically expire after 6 months, or sooner if your primary email account is removed from UC San Diego or ACMS servers. Uploaded files will expire after some period of time. (Files over 1GB would probably expire more quickly than smaller uploads.)

This tool may not be used to distribute:

  • HIPAA-covered patient data; HIPAA-covered patient data;
  • Personally Identifiable Information (FERPA, SB1386): student IDs, SSN's, Driver's License numbers, etc.; Personally Identifiable Information (FERPA, SB1386): student IDs, SSN's, Driver's License numbers, etc.;
  • or any other or any other as defined by University Policy. as defined by University Policy.

Accessing FileDrop

  1. Access FileDrop though the url https://filedrop.ucsd.edu/
  2. Log in using your Active Directory (AD) credentials.

Once login, you have 3 options:

1) Create a Drop Box is where you can create an URL link to send to your collaborator to invite them to upload files to you. Only you can view the file in the Drop Box created by you. Unless "Anonymous Upload" is checked, uploaders are required to log in with their UC San Diego active directory account and passsword. You may create as many Drop Boxes as you need.

  1. Once logged in choose the Create a Create a Drop Box link.
  2. Add at least your own email plus email of any collaborator that you would like to receive files from to the email list. An automated e-mail will be sent with an URL link instructing the recipient to upload the file to the newly created drop box.
  3. You must name the drop box. All other fields are optional.
    1. If working with user's outside of UCSD you will need to check the Make this an Anonymous Drop Box Make this an Anonymous Drop Box option.
  4. Click the Create button.

2) View Files Received is where you would go to download files others have uploaded to you from your invitation.

3) Publish Files is where you would go to upload a file to distribute to others. Please note anyone with the URL link can download the files. This is not a medium to distribute private materials.

a. Select the Publish Files link.

b. Click the Choose File button.

c. Navigate to and select the file you wish to upload.

d. Click the Upload File button**.

e. Send the URL to the people with which you want to share the file.

If you have been invited to upload to a drop box.
a. Log in with you AD credentials if prompted. If you do not have a UCSD AD login please contact the drop box creator and ask them to allow Anonymous uploads.
b. Click the Choose File button .
c. Navigate to and select the file you wish to upload.
d. Click the Upload File button**.