Installing IGPP Licensed MATLAB
Installing IGPP Licensed MATLAB
Questions Addressed
- How do I retrieve and install UCSD licensed MATLAB?
- What are the minimum system requirements needed to run MATLAB?
- Please visit http://www.mathworks.com/support/sysreq/current_release/index.html?sec=mac for system requirements.
- If you're not sure how to connect to SMB via Windows, please follow the steps in the link here.
Method 1: Installing via Self Service (Preferred)
What you will need:
- A Mac managed by the IGPP Helpdesk (not self-managed)
- Internet connection
Installation steps:
- Navigate to your Applications folder.
- Launch the IGPP app.
- Click "Applications" on the right sidebar.
- Locate the latest version of MATLAB. Click Install to start the installation process. Note: the installation may take up to 30 minutes to complete.
Activation Steps:
- Create a MathWorks Account using your @ucsd.edu email address:http://mathworks.com/accesslogin/createProfile.do . Please include your department affiliation in your registration.
- Go to the License Center: http://mathworks.com/licensecenter .
- Click Associate to License.
- When prompted to do so, enter the Activation Key: 18162-63691-80459-26917-16111
- In the MathWorks installer, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and follow the online instructions.
- When prompted to do so, select the license you want to use. (Select "Total Academic Headcount Student/Facility")
- After downloading and installing your products, keep the Activate MATLAB checkbox selected and click Next.
- When asked to provide a user name, verify that the displayed user name is correct. Continue with the process until the activation is complete.
Method 2: Installing via SMB download with pre-packaged license and path settings
What you will need:
- AD (Active Directory) Account - to request an account please fill out this Request form.
- Internet Connection
Installation Steps:
- In the Finder menu bar, navigate to Go > Connect to Server.
- Enter "smb://igppsoftware.ucsd.edu/igppsoftware/public/matlab" for the Server Address and click Connect.
- When prompted, enter your Active Directory (AD) account username and password.
- Navigate to the latest MATLAB R202xx folder.
- Double-click on MATLAB_R202xx for your OS.
- Open the mounted image and double click on the MATLAB_R202xx.pkg file to start the installation.
- Follow "Activation Steps" above
Method 3: Installing via SMB download with manual installation steps
What you will need:
- AD (Active Directory) Account - to request an account please fill out this Request form.
- Internet Connection
- VPN (for off-campus Windows/Linux users only)
For Mac
In the Finder menu bar, navigate to Go > Connect to Server.
- Enter "smb://igppsoftware.ucsd.edu/igppsoftware/public/matlab" for the Server Address and click Connect.
- When prompted, enter your Active Directory (AD) account username and password.
- Navigate to the latest MATLAB R202xx folder
- Double-click on the R202xx_UNIX.iso file to mount the image.
- Open the mounted image and double click on the InstallForMacOSX file to start the installation.
- Follow the "Activation Steps" above.
For Windows
- If you are a Windows user attempting to connect from off-campus please follow the link below to setup VPN before moving on to step 2.
- To bring up the Run command box press the Windows logo key + R
- Copy and paste "\\igppsoftware.ucsd.edu\igppsoftware\public\matlab" (without the quotes) to where it says open and click OK.
- Use your Active Directory (AD) account credentials to log in. (format: AD\username)
- Navigate to the latest MATLAB202xx folder.
- Open the file and drag the R202xx_Windows.iso file to your desktop.
- You will need virtual clone drive to mount the .iso file in order to install the program. If necessary, navigate to http://www.slysoft.com/en/virtual-clonedrive.html to download and install the virtual clone drive.
- Once the .iso file has been mounted, follow the "Installation Steps" below.
For Linux
- If you are a Linux user attempting to connect from off-campus please follow the link below to setup VPN before moving on to step 2.
- Connect to the server via SMB using the path "\\igppsoftware.ucsd.edu\igppsoftware\public\matlab"
- Use your Active Directory (AD) account credentials to log in. (format: AD\username)
- Navigate to the latest MATLAB202xx folder.
- Drag the R202xx_UNIX.iso file to your desktop.
- In a terminal window mount the ISO with executable permissions.
- Follow the "Installation Steps" below.
Installation Steps:
Attention: This installation process below requires user to have the license file and to set the path to that license (see Step 6).
- Launch the installation.
- For Mac, launch InstallForMacOSX
- For Windows, launch setup.exe
- For Linux, navigate to the top-level folder on the ISO and execute the following command: ./install
- Select "Activate automatically using the Internet" and click "Next"
- In the MathWorks installer, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and follow the online instructions.
- When prompted to do so, select the license you want to use. (Select "Total Academic Headcount Student/Facility")
- Choose "Typical" installation and click "Next"
- Click "Next" again
- Click "Install"
- After downloading and installing your products, keep the Activate MATLAB checkbox selected and click Next.
- When asked to provide a user name, verify that the displayed user name is correct. Continue with the process until activation is complete.
- For Linux and Mac, take care to update your path to your shell to reflect the latest version of MATLAB.
- Disconnect from the file server igppsoftware.ucsd.edu.
Method 4: Download Installer Directly from Mathworks website:
- Go to: https://www.mathworks.com/downloads/
- Click the download button for the current release.
- Click the installer button to download the installer.
If you need further assistance, please contact IGPP HelpDesk.
, multiple selections available,
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