Mounting NFS Volumes with OS X Client (10.6 and 10.5 only)

There are 3 ways to mount NFS exports on OS X 10.6. Two of which involves GUI and the last with CLI. In all cases you can show a list of exports with the following command:

showmount -e []
showmount -e

**Please note that only step 3 has been tested to work in OS X 10.5

1) From the Finder select the menu "Go > Connect to Server..."

type in nfs://

ex. nfs://

This will mount the export in /Volumes/nrts

2) Mounting with in /Applications/Utilities (10.6+ only) allow you to mount the export in a custom location aside from the default /Volumes.

From DiskUtility select the menu "File > NFS Mounts.."

Click on the "+' button at the lower left and enter the NFS URL and mount location. Note this does not work for AFP or SMB. Also you do not need to create the directories /ida/nrts ahead of time.

Click "Verify" and then "Save"

3) **This step will work in 10.5 as well**
You can also mount NFS exports without any GUI application. For this example we will use the export at idahub as an example.

To do this you need to first create the directories that you will mount the export to.
sudo mkdir /ida

Next create a file named auto_[mount_name] (such as auto_ida) in /etc and add the following lines to the file