Using SFTP with Fugu and FileZilla

Using SFTP with Fugu and FileZilla

The below examples of uploading files via SFTP with FileZilla and Fugu are targeted towards uploading to a web server. The same steps apply if you are uploading files to any other location on the remote host.


You can download Fugu from their SourceForge page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/fugussh/files/Unstable/fugu-1.2.1pre1/Fugu-1.2.1pre1.zip/download

Once you've opened the app you can enter your settings. In the pane on the left navigate to the directory which contains the files you wish to upload. On the right side you may enter your connection settings. Make sure to use 22 as the port, enter the directory you'd like to upload to (/var/www/html is the default for web servers). 

If this is your first time connecting to the remote host a warning window will pop up. If the hostname is the one you're trying to connect to you can click Continue.

Fugu will load a password prompt, you may enter your password and hit AuthenticateNote: if you'd like to save your password for future connections, check the Add Password to Keychain box.

Once you've authenticated you can upload files by dragging them from your local directory on the left to the remote host's directory on the right.


To connect to the remote host, enter the login credentials at the top of the app. The Host is the name of the computer you're connecting to, the Username/Password are your OD credentials. Make sure to use Port 22, then click Quickconnect.

The following window may pop up the first time you connect. If the hostname is correct, check the Always trust this host box and click OK.

Navigate to the web directory on the remote host by typing the directory path into the Remote site box. Note: If you are uploading to a web server the default path for web files is /var/www/html

Navigate to the directory on your computer with the Local site box. The individual files will be listed in the box below, to move them drag any files you would like to transfer to the box underneath the Remote site directory tree.

If your file transfer is successful there will be a notification in the console at the top of the application.