The following steps will help you set up Code42 CrashPlan on your computer. CrashPlan is an application that backs up your data. To set up CrashPlan you will need to know your UCSD Active Directory (AD) account username, password, and submit a help request requesting a CrashPlan account.
Once you have received confirmation of your CrashPlan account from the IGPP Help Desk:
Note: You may set up CrashPlan with your account on multiple computers that are used only by you. The following steps are written with Mac OS in mind. If you are working on a different OS, the following steps should be guidelines for setting up CrashPlan on your computer. Use the steps that apply to your OS analogous to the steps below. For further questions feel free to contact us at contact IGPP Net Ops.
*Please note our backup SLA*
- Download CrashPlan client
- Installing CrashPlan
- CrashPlan account setup
- Verify a file is set to be backed up
- Verify files are being backed up
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Download CrashPlan Client
- Go to to :4285/login/#/login to download the current Code42 client (formerly called CrashPlan).
- Click on App Downloads on the left navigation area:
- Follow the installation steps below.
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- Double click on the Code42CrashPlan.dmg file you just downloaded to mount the installation drive.
- Open the mounted drive (seen below in the upper right hand corner) to bring up a window with the installation file.
- Click Install Code42 CrashPlan and go through the installation process.
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Make sure to check back the following day to make sure your backup was completed.
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Verify a file is set to be backed up
You can verify that a file is set to be backed up by doing the following:
Open the CrashPlan application (/Applications/CrashPlan)
Also Note: By default, the checkmark does not necessarily indicate that the entire contents of a folder are backed up.
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Verify files are being backed up
The backup of your selected files is complete if there are green checkmarks by both backup servers in the main window.
If you need further assistance, please contact IGPP Net Ops.