To start you will need an UCSD Active Directory (AD) account that is activated for Code42. If you are not installing with method 1 below, please submit a help request for an account.
Note: You may set up Code42 with your account for up to 4 client devices. Full service level agreement can be found at backup SLA*
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For Windows and Linux
- Follow the instructions from Code42
- Installers can be downloaded from Be sure to select the latest installer for your operating system and processor. For the server address, use
- Use for the server address
For MacOS:
- If you have a laptop be sure the power cable is plugged-in to allow the backup process to run.
- If you have FileVault2 full disk encryption enabled make sure you have login to decrypt your disk after a reboot to permit the backup of your disk and that screen locks are set to automatic to secure your session.
- Sparsebundle images and sparseimages files are not supported and known to not be recoverable with Code42
- If you have any other previous version of Code42 installed, Uninstall any older version first.
Verify a file is selected for backup
You can verify that a file is set to be backed up by doing the following:
Open the Code42 application (/Applications/Code42)
Verify files are being backed up
A green checkmark located next to the PROe Cloud server indicates that your backup is complete. (NOTE : The initial backup typically takes 2-5 days to complete depending on the amount of data being backed up). You may want to do a simple test restore to confirm.
Code42 server status
If you need further assistance, please contact IGPP HelpDesk.
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