Adding Items to All Users Start Menu

Adding Items to All Users Start Menu

Adding Items to All Users' Start Menu

Conrad McGarry updated July 21, 2014 at 1:32 PM

Questions Addressed

  • How do I add an item to the start menu for every user? How do I add an item to the start menu for every user?

Windows Server 2008/Windows 7

  1. Open the Local Disk from My Computer. (Is usually but not always labeled C(smile)
  2. Form the upper left of the window click on Organize and then select Folder and Search Options.

  3. Select the From View tab and then select the radio button next to Show hidden files and folder.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Navigate to ProgramData>Microsoft>Windows>Start Menu .

  6. Add desired items (shortcut, url shortcut, batch file, etc...).

Windows XP

  1. Open the Local Disk from My Computer. (Is usually but not always labeled C:\)
  2. Navigate to Documents and Settings>All Users>Start Menu
  3. Add desired items (shortcut, url shortcut, batch file, etc...).