How to Run a Sophos Virus Scan

How to Run a Sophos Virus Scan

Desmond Leung updated January 15, 2015 at 11:06 AM

Questions Addressed

  • How do I scan for viruses on my computer using Sophos? How do I scan for viruses on my computer using Sophos?

The following steps detail how to run a Sophos scan on Mac OS X.


  1. Navigate to your Applications folder and launch Sophos Anti-Virus.
  2. Under the "Sophos Anti-Virus" menu, select Update Now.

  3. After the update completes, navigate to the "Scan" menu and select Scan This Mac.

  4. The following window will appear. Let the scan run. 

  5. If any viruses are found, contact IGPP Net Ops.

If you need further assistance, please contact IGPP NetOps.