Hosting Files and Web Pages at IGPP

Hosting Files and Web Pages at IGPP


1. Web Spaces Explained: 

Each person at IGPP has two web spaces, http://igppweb.ucsd.edu and http://igpppublic.ucsd.edu. Generally, igppweb.ucsd.edu hosts web pages, while igpppublic.ucsd.edu hosts files. However, it is up to you how to utilize each space. Both spaces are served out of each person's network home directory

  • The Sites Folder
    • Within your network home directory is a folder called Sites. Here is where web pages can be hosted and shared using the following URL: 


      i.e. https://igppweb.ucsd.edu/~hchen

  • The Public Folder
    • Within your network home directory is a folder called Public. Here is where files intended for public distribution via HTTP can be hosted and shared using the following URL: 


      i.e. https://igpppublic.ucsd.edu/~hchen

Note: To access each site, direct people to point their web browsers to the URL format above. The username is simply your short login name from your Active Directory (i.e. hchen). To apply for an account fill out the form in http://igpp.ucsd.edu/computing/forms/adduser

2. Uploading Files To Web Spaces:

Copy the file(s) you want to share to the world to the Sites or Public folder in your network home directory by following one of the 3 methods below. ( ~/Sites for igppweb and ~/Public for igpppublic).

  • SMB
    • Instructions on how to use SMB can be found here: SMB
  • SCP
    • Instructions on how to use SCP can be found here: SCP
  • SFTP
    • Instructions on how to use SFTP can be found here: SFTP
    • Instructions on how to use SSHFS can be found here: SSHFS

3. Setting Permissions to Files in Web Spaces:

If you need further assistance, please contact IGPP Help Desk.