Voicemail to Email

Voicemail to Email

If your voicemail was previously set to deliver to email and is no longer working, please use the following procedures to resume the service:

  1. Call Telecom Service Desk x44277 (7:30am-4:30pm) from your desk phone. 

  2. Let the service tech know your voicemail to email service stopped working and you are using UCSD Gmail. 

  3. Make sure they check that Simple Unified Messaging (UM) is enabled and your primary @ucsd.edu email address is listed, to verify go to https://act.ucsd.edu/directory/search.

  4. Optionally, have them enable the Transcription Option. This includes a text transcription, along with the audio file of the voicemail message, in the email. 

NOTE: If you do not have an email address associated with your desk phone line, you will need to submit a CSR (https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/help-desk/CSR/form.html#Access-the-CSR-form.) and will be recharged a one-time fee of $11 to an index number.