Create an Apple ID without a Credit Card

Create an Apple ID without a Credit Card

Wayne Chen updated November 18, 2013 at 3:08 PM

Questions Addressed

  • What is an Apple ID used for? What is an Apple ID used for?
  • How can I make an account without a credit card? How can I make an account without a credit card?


An Apple ID is used to purchase and download software from the App Store. It also can be used for iTunes.

At IGPP, the most common use of an Apple ID is to install Xcode. Xcode is free; therefore it's not necessary to tie your credit card to your Apple ID to obtain Xcode. This type of account is preferred if your only reason for having an Apple ID is to install Xcode.

By installing Xcode with your Apple ID, you can continue to install Xcode updates using your Apple ID credentials.

Create Apple ID without a Credit Card

Please follow the instructions on Apple's support page:

NOTE: you must purchase a free app (such as Xcode) before registering for the new account in order for the "none" option to appear as the payment type.


Note: If creating the Apple ID on a new computer, you can follow the prompts during the initial setup to create a new Apple ID. However, if the account is created in this manner, the first time a purchase is attempted you will receive a prompt saying the account is not ready to be used with the App Store and redirected to another setup page. This final setup requires the input of a billing address and payment methods. To create it without the use of a credit card, simply select "none" when prompted to select credit card type.

Installing Xcode via the App Store:
Installing Xcode Tools and X11

If you need further assistance, please contact IGPP Net Ops.