How-to: Set the Default PDF Reader

How-to: Set the Default PDF Reader

Questions Addressed

  • How do I change which application opens when I open a .pdf file? How do I change which application opens when I open a .pdf file?
  • Is there a way to permanently change which application .pdf's use to open them? Is there a way to permanently change which application .pdf's use to open them?

To change which application handles your .PDF files

By default, OS X chooses to view .pdf files with Preview; however, you may prefer to use Adobe Acrobat to view these documents. If you double-click a PDF file and a different application opens, you can use these steps to tell Acrobat to open PDF documents:

  1. Select (single-click) the PDF file in the Finder.

  2. From the File menu, choose Get Info.
  3. In the Info window that appears, click the disclosure triangle next to "Open with."

  4. Set the pop-up menu to Acrobat.
  5. Click the Change All button that's immediately below the pop-up menu.

If you need further assistance, please contact IGPP Net Ops.

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